06 January 2011

Get To It!

Well, it has been WAY TOO LONG since I have posted anything! My I mean really, where did 2010 go? As you can see from my blog, it's just disappeared and seems to have never happened! Ok, it did happen, but it sure did go by in such a hurry that I am still reeling from it all. It truly was a fantastic year that had so many milestones, anniversaries, accomplishments and fun!

As it always goes with the month of January, I have set new goals for the year throughout all aspects of my life for myself, the family and life in general. Our little nook here on the web is one of them - I am going to try my best to keep this updated on a regular basis and share some of the things that go on in our lives, write out some personal ponderings once in a while and of course, add the treasured videos and photos.

I pray that everyone had a blessed Christmas and holiday season and that you are all doing well. We have so much to be thankful for even when it may seem so hard to find anything at all. My daily saying to myself is now "Hey, you're alive! Something is going right today already!" So, let's recap a few of the things that happened in 2010 as we set out for another jet-paced year in 2011.

Not totally in chronological order, that would just hurt my head!
* Rang in 2010 in Dallas, TX with Yvonne, Reagan and the kids
* Grayson turned 7 years old!
* Had the greatest gift redeemed from the holidays - our floors got refinished in the house. We got to move everything OUT of the house, live in a camper for over a month, and move it all back in on beautiful, shiny floors!
* The kids got to experience their first sustantial amount of snow (while living in a camper!) and play for 2 days in the white stuff.
* Construction was completed on our chicken coop.
* Grayson moved up to the Machine Pitch Division in baseball, and Aisley finished her last year in T-Ball.
* Grayson received his first award at the South Carolina Association of Christian Schools Fine Arts Competition.
* Aisley graduated from Kindergarten and had a great year learning!
* Grayson's team made it to the play-offs in baseball; got to the Championship game and finshed 2nd in the division!
* I went on my first trip ever away from the kids AND Chad for Women of Faith conference for 3 days (I did drive back for the Championship Game though). They survived and Chad did a great job being taxi driver, caretaker and daddy!
* Spent our usual extended trip for the summer in Dallas with all my family.
* Grayson learned how to really swing a golf club and is now very excited about learning a new sport.
* Aisley continued to amaze us with her swimming like a mermaid skills in the pool throughout the summer.
* Aisley turned 6 years old.
* Chad and I went on our first trip ever together WITHOUT THE KIDS on a 4 day cruise to the Bahamas with great friends. I SURVIVED being away from my babies with flying colors and they did great for their first time without Mommy and Daddy.
* Grayson started 2nd grade and Aisley started 1st grade.
* I aged yet another year and have now started to get a really lovely amount of gray hair!
* Chad finished the major part of construction on our multi-level, ridiculously high tree-house!
* The kids started taking piano lessons and continue to amaze me with their natural gift of music skills.
* We took a family trip to northern South Carolina and attended our first college football game to see our Clemson Tigers!
* I completed my decision to have Lap-Band surgery to finally get rid of the excess fluff and start leading a healthier lifestyle. It was a choice I made after a couple years of research, soul searching and countless failed attempts to lose weight on my own. It was the greatest decision I made all year!
* We had a very successful year with Music & Memories as Chad worked at a frantic pace as always and continued to provide in such a great way for our little family.
* For the first time EVER, we had the joy of having family in our home for the Christmas holiday! It was such a wonderful time having Chad's mom, sister and son for Christmas. My mother, sister and neice also came out shortly after Christmas and got to ring in the New Year with us. So many memories were created, and although it was a bit tiring at times, I wouldn't trade it for anything!

So, that's just a bit of all the going's on that happened throughout the year. Whew! My fingers are numb just typing it all, and my brain is in overload remembering it all and recalling the millions of other things that happened. It was such a beautiful year, and we are truly blessed!