28 October 2008

What A Month!

Whhhhooooooeeeeee! It has been one crazy October and we still have 3 more days to go! This blog thing was going to try and be a once a week or so effort, but it looks like we're going to turn it into a once a month, and if any other posts make it in there-then consider those a bonus. We have been so busy with school activities, church, community events and the regular chaos of home life. This remainder of the week will be full steam ahead as Judy finishes up some hand prints orders, gives the house a complete makeover inside and out before her Mama, sister Yvonne, and neice Reagan come to town for a surprise visit (to the kids-I obviously know!), and Chad does the regular work routine and then a wedding to DJ on Saturday.

Everyone is doing well, and we are truly in the Fall Spirit as it is now f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g outside... This morning it was a brisk 37 degrees out when I loaded up the kids in the van. Needless to say, I had to run out there and start it early to get the heat blasting and their blankets ready to snuggle up in. For some reason my children refuse to wear heavy coats, and I just can't seem to find one that I like and doesn't keep me all constricted while I'm driving! Chad of course needs all the help he can get, and we are on the hunt for some pants for that skinny man...not an easy task for his size and height. Me, I'm just going to hope the extra "layers" I have will keep me well insulated for this last season as I continue to try and sssslllloooooooooooowwwlllyyy lose the weight. Did I mention the slowly part?! Oh well, daily and extenuating stresses continue to hamper the super fast plan, so I'll let it be. Anywho, I got the kids to school in their skimpy jackets today and just hope they're not freezing on the playground and that the school doesn't call me in to see why in the heck they don't have warmer coats. They do! They just won't wear them!! I can't really blame them though, the carseats do make it quite uncomfortable, and those fuzzy Dora and Thomas blankets are sure warm and soft for the ride there.

So, the weather is now cooler, and the kids are changing every day. Yesterday was a new expericence and huge laugh with a game they made up. It' called.....are you ready....."Deer Hunter"! No, folks, we have not turned completely rural on you, yet, and the kids haven't shot their first buck. At least not this year. But, the hunting around these parts is INSANE! It's not a hobby or fun thing to do here, it's LIFE!! I was in line at Wal-Mart on Saturday, and in every single checkout line at least 1 out of 4 people was in full Camo gear. I just chuckled, then looked at my precious Aisley-in digital Camo (desert colors though) pants that I had made for Grayson 2 years ago. Bless this child and her having no qualms about wearing her brother's hand-me-downs! She loves them, and that girl can really sport the camo, race car, bulldog patterns like no other princess around.

So, back the game...our pastor, God love him, and we do love that man to bits is an avid hunter and is having one heck of a season. He's been coming to our house at least once a week with dead John Deer's (as Aisley calls them) for us to take pictures of. He doesn't have a digital camera, so we take them for him and then burn them to disk for him to take to Wally World to develop. Aisley was just too curious and had to see one last week, and since then she's quite interested in the Dead John Deer's and hunting. So, they were pretend shooting deer in the yard last night. I was busy scooping out pumpkin guts for 3 pumpkins and they were "hunting". Chad came home, and thought it was fantastic! Needless to say, they got their Halloween gifts early. The final pieces of their costumes-cap guns with holsters. They were ecstatic, and I was happy to see the joy on their faces, but also sad to see that the last big thing besides video games and computers that we had sheltered them from is now a part of the toy stash. I never thought I'd see the day I gave my kids "guns" to play with, but am realizing that the locale in which we live is totally different than the city, and these are tools that our friends use to provide fun and food for the family! So, these will be the only toy guns they will have for a long time, and they look totally fake which is a must. I mean, the blinding silver chrome and platic handles just can't be beat! Hunting is a way of life here, and it's something I'm coming to terms with. A city girl from Dallas, TX is just not used to these things! The only deer I saw growing up was in Bambi or the National Geographic magazines....But, with some good guidance and knowledge, my kids may just one day have their own "Deer Hunter" show on TV and get all the trophy bucks they can handle. Kidding!

Other than that, we're all doing good. The kids got their first report cards yesterday and all came back pretty good. Grayson needs improvement on phonics and number recognition, but is doing SPLENDID in writing, bible, and socialization. He apparently is a bit of a class cut-up, and has gotten reprimanded a few times, but after a good talk tonight we hope to curb that and get him back on track! Aisley is doing great for her first time in a learning environment and besides being a bit of a talker-mainly with the boys-she is doing well. Her handwriting is improving, and my walls do show the progress. It's so nice to hear them arguing over which letters are which and who said it first, etc.! They don't have class Halloween parties, but we will be taking goodies for all their friends, and I am going to attempt to make a Pumpkin Cake for the festivities we'll be having at home. With the family coming in, we are going to have so much fun with Reagan and getting to take all 3 kids trick-or-treating! It should be really cute to see the Cowboy, Cowgirl and Cinderella walking down the street....Guess which one's mine are? Pa-pow-pow!