25 September 2008

Let's Try This Out!

Well, our old family website that we had from way back finally expired and hadn't been updated in quite a while. So, this is a new thing to try and it looks like it just might work for our needs! This is called "blogging", repeat after me "b-l-o-g-g-i-n-g". Very good! For those of us that think that word is silly and sounds completely stupid, let's just call it our new online "journal". I will try to update this more frequently than the old website, and of course there will be plenty of pictures to look at on here, too! Once a week or so seems definitely do-able in my book to keep our friends and family up to speed on the happenings here in South Carolina. Some weeks will be just a little blurb, others will be a little book.... So, feel free to pass this link on to friends and family that you think may have some interest in our little lives.

Most everyone knows that Grayson and Aisley are now in school and are doing great! They are going to a wonderful little private Christian school about 23 miles from the house, and we LOVE it. The teachers, staff and everyone there has been wonderful and it is very evident that we are getting our money's worth! Grayson is in Kindergarten and has started to learn how to write in cursive----yes, cursive! He's doing absolutely fabulous with it, and brings home on average 3 to 5 "Writing Awards" every week. This boy has better cursive writing than Chad and I both, which is pretty darn crazy. Each week he learns a new Bible verse that starts with a different letter of the alphabet. We are now on the letter 'F' week and his memory is amazing. By the end of the school year he will know a different verse for each letter of the alphabet, writing in cursive, and we hope reading small things on his own.

Aisley is in Pre-Kindergarten (K-4) and is doing fantastic! Considering that the child has never been in a structured program for more than 3 weeks in her entire life, she is thriving. Every day I pick her up from school she is all smiles and gives me a full report of that day's happenings. She is making lots of friends, some of which she is no longer allowed to sit by since they tend to be a bit too chatty. Hey, at least she's making friends and is already becoming a Southern Socialite! She is learning how to write in print to get the basics down, and is doing really well. Our walls, furniture, books and just about anything else that can stand still long enough for a Crayon to touch it will witness to that! Each week or so she also has a small Bible verse to learn and she is also doing great with the memorization. She gets out of her class 2 1/2 hours before Grayson does, so she attends the after-school daycare program until he gets out to save me the added drive and gas money. It's working out great, and did I mention that we love this school?!

So, that's the quick summary of the past month or so with the happenings of the kids and school. They had pictures taken a couple weeks ago, so I'm sure they'll be coming home with the proofs soon. I can't wait to see them! Grayson had just lost his first tooth the night before (or maybe his 2nd...it's all a blur) so we told him to smile really big. And of course, this is Aisley's first time to get a school picture so I know it will be adorable. In the next post I'll give some fun details of our town's Shrimp Festival that was last week, and an update on our business ventures that seem to be taking off! For now, it's time to figure out what's for dinner, make sure the kids are picking the 100's of cars they have scattered everywhere, and make sure our 2 kittens are still alive and that Aisley isn't squeezing them to death. Yes, that's right, 2 kittens! Curse those people that leave poor innocent animals on the side of the road for suckers like me to save!!! They are on our screen porch for now until they get bigger, then we'll let them outside to have around the house and hopefully kill some of the snakes and mice around the property. Even though Chad says he can "take care" of them, I refuse to let these babies get killed at the hands of my cave-man husband! The kids are of course loving playing with them, and they are quite entertaining to watch, so they'll be here for a while I suppose....stay tuned....